Women's Ministries

Monthly Meetings

Angela Rohde

Meeting Time:
First Monday of each month-
6 pm - Potluck, fellowship, Bible study, and crafts.

Ladies Day monthly outings:

Leader: Julia Bryant

  Next outing:
Unite Jackson music festival booth volunteers 7/20

The Women’s Ministry is an exciting and fun way to get to know other ladies in the church, grow your faith, and participate in outings and Bible studies.

The first Monday of every month at 6:00, the Women’s Ministry meets for a delicious potluck dinner and Bible study. We also play games, enjoy a creative craft and support a mission based family. 

The Women’s Ministry also gets together for a monthly outing. We have a blast spending time together while engaging in fun activities. Come and be a part of this dynamic ministry! 

SOUL SISTERS   Leaders: Lisa Strathmann & Jessica Kaiser

Soul Sisters is a one on one friendship ministry. In our pursuit to love one another, we know that friendship building gives us the chance to connect our hearts to others, through the gift of sharing our time, attention and experience. The foundation of our program is simple and light weight - no need for heavy structure, leaving plenty of space for pairs to customize their journey together. Women will be paired together and will be having monthly "digging deeper" friendship opporunitites. There will be monthly talking point pages to facilitate and open up the conversation. It won't be awkward; we promise. Monthly meet ups can be in person, which is encouraged, or virtual if you are out of town or even a phone call to deepen the growing relationship. You may find yourselves texting or calling to check in with each other or to share prayer requests as issues arise. As Soul Sisters, we are women connecting hearts throughout every stage of life, pursuing God and fostering a growing faith with others. Please join us as we celebrate friendship and fellowship here at Springport Bible Church by being a part of Soul Sisters. Women of all ages are encouraged to join and make meaningful connections.

Soul Sisters will run September through May when we will all come together with a celebration potluck.

The only commitment is a monthly connection, whenever you choose, with your new friend. Come join us foster friendships and a growing faith by becoming a Soul Sister.

If you have any questions, please reach out to either Jessica Kaiser or Lisa Strathmann. 

*Final year celebration and potluck dinner will be 5/13 @ 6:00. If you haven't participated in Soul Sisters yet but are thinking about it - please come!

Soul Sisters April talking points 

by: Lisa Strathmann

Ecclesiastes 3:1

"There is a time for everything; and a season for every activity under the Heavens."

Seasons come and go like clockwork. We revel in the coming summer and warm weather. Many of us have also entered into a new "season" of life-whether it was a new baby, loss of a loved one, change in a job, unexpected blessing or struggles of any kind. Changing seasons can be difficult, and here we are at the end of another year of Soul Sisters!!

How can that even be possible?! Some of us may have had only a few times together and others connected in a much deeper way. Please remember that growing that strong Christian support system is the most imporant goal of Soul Sisters. We can never take for granted the prayers freely given of the Christian friendships. Life can be crazy-it is not all still waters and green pastures!

We are called to: Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. 

Galatians 6:2

Although this season of Soul Sisters is ending, the budding friendships need not end. I encourage you to stay in contact, pray for and with your sister. Those Sunday morning hugs are the best!

Another Soul Sister will restart in the fall-another opportunity to build that Christian sisterhood of support. We all carve that!

The Soul Sister Celebration Potluck will be May 13 at 6:30pm. 

Come and share your stories and of course amazing food. We really do need to put together a cookbook from our church!

Remember-We are always STRONGER TOGETHER!!